I have been restoring jeeps since about 1973. This was a time that quality parts could be sourced from sears and 4 wheel parts wholesellers and j.c. whitney Now most of the parts now are substandard but available from numerous places but many parts that once were available,now they are not. Most American dealers refuse to make the effort to provide quality American made parts. Most think the restorer or collector today won’t pay for good stuff. Wrong. We want good right stuff not junk. Thanks for all you do at M. V. Spares.
I have been restoring jeeps since about 1973. This was a time that quality parts could be sourced from sears and 4 wheel parts wholesellers and j.c. whitney Now most of the parts now are substandard but available from numerous places but many parts that once were available,now they are not. Most American dealers refuse to make the effort to provide quality American made parts. Most think the restorer or collector today won’t pay for good stuff. Wrong. We want good right stuff not junk. Thanks for all you do at M. V. Spares.