Why did we design a Modern element for our Filters?
The purpose of the filter element is to protect the carburettor and fuel pump by removing impurities from the fuel system to allow an engine to work at optimum efficiency.
Today we must contend with “Modern” fuels and these fuels are very different to the fuels of yesteryear; todays fuels can have additives like Ethanol and these additives are less stable today and have water absorbing properties which need to be dealt with by the filter.
Because your Carburettor or Fuel pump design is more than 80 years old you do not need to rely on old technology to protect them.
Everyone understands you can’t use old style diaphragms in your fuel pumps because modern fuels will quickly destroy them so just as it is necessary to change fuel pump parts it is important to use the most modern elements in your fuel filter.
The old-style brass element was designed at a time when modern high efficiency fabric elements were simply unheard of.
The M.V. Spares model MVK-1261 has a micron rating of 10 Micron (10 μm) at 99.8% efficiency. An original brass leaf element has a theoretical rating of approximately 120 microns. This means up to 12 times more impurities will pass through an original style element than an M.V. Spares MVK-1261 element.
Some aftermarket manufacturers have attempted to replicate the original Brass Elements. The original design is prohibitively expensive and the desire to be price competitive with the modern elements has meant substandard construction where element efficiency is foregone to save on cost.

Using the MVK-1261 you can expect an excellent service life and a corresponding extended service life of your other fuel system components.
Happy Jeep restoring,
Darcy Miller
Thanks,Darcy…very nice to have an alternative to the rough repro stuff.
Thanks for the continued support and encouragement.
Expect Darcy to be first with best
Robert Beson
My OEM AC Delco element has heavy paper leaves, not brass. Nevertheless not as good as the MV Spares replacement.
Great idea …. I’ll be switching out mine immediately!
Darcy How often should we replace the fuel filter? I dont drive the jeep more than 50 miles a month
I just did it today to my 2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Took about 1.5 hours including jack stands unhooking the battery, removing the Fuel pump relay, depressurizing the vehicle.